Project happiness is when everything goes smoothly. Communication flows, deviations are few and time estimates are met. The project is carried out within budget and all documentation is in place. You have control, low shoulders and a smile on your face. This is what we mean when we talk about project happiness, sounds nice right!
Seamless communication
A construction project is a combination of different people with different roles. Good interaction is essential for overview and control. With Interaxo, you can say goodbye to email chaos, misplaced documents and missing information. The value of a good project tool is a more clear and efficient day-to-day for everyone.

Fewer deviations
Deviations account for huge, unnecessary expenses in the construction industry every year. With a good project tool, the risk of deviations can be significantly reduced.

Reduction in hours
With fewer deviations and better interaction, the time spent will naturally also be reduced. Time and again we hear that Interaxo has contributed to more efficient project implementation.

Control your documentation
A large part of the job in a construction project is the collection and handling of information. When handing over, for example, there can be a lot of work afterwards to collect, handle and manage this information. With Interaxo, you have all information in a construction project structured and available.